Here's my analysis:
- The Republican fight for the primaries was an easy victory for John Mc Cain. He easily defeated his rival Huckabee.
- John Mc Cain has now been endorsed by all the Republicans. There's UNITY amongst the Republicans now.
- A large part of the existing ESTABLISHMENT supports John Mc Cain now. This will prove to be a boost.
- Mc Cain is a legendary war hero. Very few people have endured what he has.
- Republican mobilization during election time is far better than the Democrats.
- Democrats are now DIVIDED straight down the middle between Obama and Hillary Clinton.
- Both Obama and Hillary are favorites amongst the Democrats. But once any one is elected, the other camp might vote Republican.
- Democrats might jeopardize their own nomination. None of the 2 would carry 100% of the within Democrat support. For example, Al gore carried at least close to total Democrat support. But Obama and Hillary both would fail at this.